Rainbows4children - Charter
Our commitment is to:​
Break the cycle of poverty by giving disadvantaged children access to top quality education.
100% of all money used for the children with zero administration costs.
Organised in a fully transparent way, accountable to our donors.
Provide feedback to donors on all projects.
Sustainable projects, eventually maintained and funded locally.
Provide assistance regardless of politics or religion.
Provide equal opportunities for girls and boys.
Provide a reproducible model to share with others who aim for academic excellence and sustainable, environmentally-friendly buildings.
Nicolas Robinson School - Vision, Mission

The School Management Team at the Nicolas Robinson School
The most admired school in Ethiopia, fulfilling each child's unique potential through excellence in education.
Provide top quality academic and vocational education for any child from the most disadvantaged backgrounds especially those whose parents have disabilities.
Provide this education without any entry restrictions of any kind.
Develop young individuals who will break the cycle of poverty in their communities and their country.
The founders

Max & Kathryn Robinson at the Nicolas Robinson School
Max Robinson
Max was born in the UK and graduated with a Bachelor of Science honours degree in Chemistry. His 30 year business career covered a wide spectrum of responsibilities including Research & Development, New Business Development, Finance, Marketing and Global business leadership. Max is married to Kathryn and has a son, Alexander age 35.
In July 2015 Max was awarded an honorary Doctorate in Community Services by Mekele University, Ethiopia in recognition of the work of Rainbows4children which built the Nicolas Robinson School and provides quality education for children of parents with disabilities in Ethiopia.
Max holds four Fellowships of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) in the categories of Travel, Landscape and Film. He is a member of the RPS Travel Distinctions judging panel, and currently chairs the Distinctions Panel for Film, Digital & Multimedia.
Kathryn Robinson
Kathryn was born in the UK and graduated with a Bachelor of Science honours degree in Chemistry. She started her career in Research and Development, but has spent most of her working life in Technical Sales and International Sales Management.
During her 32 year career she has worked for European, American and Japanese companies, primarily in the field of Cosmetic Development and Fragrances. In September 2010 Kathryn retired from her business career in order to focus 100% on the activities of Rainbows4Children which requires regular travel to Ethiopia. Kathryn lives in Lachen, Switzerland and is married to Max.
In July 2015 Kathryn was awarded an honorary Doctorate in Community Services by Mekele University (DCS ) in recognition of the work of Rainbows4children in establishing the Nicolas Robinson School and encouraging quality education in Ethiopia.