Rainbows4children Rose
Rainbows4children rose is baptised! On Wednesday 11th May, 2016, in Tourettes sur Loup in southern France, a new rose was baptised.
Cutting the cake!
This beautiful yellow rose has an exquisite perfume with light agrumic accents. Its blooms flourish throughout the season and is highly disease-resistant and tolerant of most conditions. For preference, it enjoys a position with the early morning sun.
The rose is the result of a collaboration between Dominque Massad, rose-creator or “obtenteur” and Jean-Pierre Dittiere, rose-grower.
Rainbows4children rose
Under the aegis of Mediterranean Gardening France (MGF), an international community of people interested in the challenges of gardening in a Mediterranean climate, the baptism took place in the beautiful private garden of Mme Joanna Millar, we thank her for hosting us.
Jean-Paul, Elizabeth, Kathryn, Dominique, Max