Sponsorship Programmes

The Nicolas Robinson School educates some of the most disadvantaged children in the area of Mekele, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. These children are the sons and daughters of disabled war veterans who are the most financially disadvantaged in society. Of the 1400 children at the school, 450 are currently sponsored and we aim to add more to this number, each year. ​


Would you like to volunteer at the Nicolas School?
We have had many volunteers at the Nicolas School in the last few years.
You can help in many ways, the biggest impact has been from professionals in teaching and healthcare and management/training, however many others can make a contribution.
You can read more details in this document
The best time to visit is mid September to mid-June when the school is fully active.
There are also roles during the summer, at summer school, but the experience is reduced, as summer school runs for 5 weeks of half-days only.
The main subjects for teachers are:
English, Science (especially practical skills), Sport, Music,
Please contact Kathryn for more information and include a short cv, to help with a constructive first discussion.
Please also download and complete the questionnaire below